Tuesday 29 July 2008

My curly hat goes off to all those working mothers out there!

Last week, I returned to work after taking 8ish months maternity leave. It was a great feeling to be back doing what I love - teaching but at the same time, hard as I miss my darling boy who is now 8 months old. It was also a role reversal for daddy and mummy. Daddy seems to be thriving on being a stay home dad and Mr. T is loving it. So all is good. I am in awe of those working mothers as I know that I am one of the fortunate few who comes home and get to spend at least 4 hours with Mr. T before he goes to bed as my job is not the typical 8 hours job. Also Daddy JJ is a domestic god! Lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky moi.


Lise said...

So true!!! Lucky you!!
I was also very fortunate as finally went back to work when No:2 was 6 months old and my hubby took over the role as we wanted to do dual parenting roles. It worked out well then they went to school!! Time sure flies!

sydhappyguy said...

8-8-8 so cool
so possible
time sure does fly
meep meep